Climb rocks with people, who knows them best. Get skills for climbing single- or multi-pitch or trad routes. Learn how to stay safe and get out of problems if things get hairy.

Bektau-Ata Trad
October 2025
Learn to climb cracks, use natural protection and build anchors

Alpine rock
Climb rock faces in the mountains around Almaty. There are some multipitches, dozens of trad routes.

The best way to start your rock climbing carrier, or simply great way to spend time outdoors.

One week course
Get all necessary skills to climb safely and independently.
Rock climbinig season in Kazakhstan lasts from March till November. In the summer it’s better to be in the mountains as it’s too hot at the lower altitudes. During the Spring and Autumn it is better to climb at Tamgaly Tas, or at the crags, that located in the lower mountains.
Kirill has published a gudebook to rock climbing in Almaty. Currently it’s available only in russian. Work on English version is in progress.